We know what you need to organize and manage your league! |
C&G Associates, Inc. developed the web-based OrganizeMyLeague software to:
- Reduce the time needed to organize the paperwork required to manage a team, league,
or conference
- Automate the creation of rosters, lineup cards, and minimum play tracking sheets
- Eliminate the errors that occur when moving participants from one team or playing
level to another
- Collect and organize individual and team statistics
- Allow coaches to focus their attention on coaching rather than paperwork.
The OrganizeMyLeague team has over 29 years combined experience in on field coaching
and team, league, and conference management for multiple sports including:
- Coaching (15 years):
- Head Coach
- Manager
- Assistant Coach
- League Management (12 years):
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Equipment Manager
- Conference Management (6 years):
The principals of OrganizeMyLeague have participated in the planning and running
of three (3) Region level cheerleading and football championships.
Our combined software industry experience includes:
- Forty-four (44) years of IT and software development experience
- Twelve (12) years of Program / Project Management experience
Six (6) years of web hosting experience.
OrganizeMyLeague can be combined with other C&G offerings to:
- Register participants and collect fees over the web
- Participant information automatically
populates the OrganizeMyLeague database
- Fees are paid by credit card eliminating
returned checks and payment plans
- Sell event / competition tickets over the web, as well as providing online ticketing.