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Customer Testimonials

"I looked forward to the start of the season every year, but dreaded the time it took to do the paperwork required by our national affiliate.

As one of the early adopters of the roster software, I found that the software significantly decreased my time doing the league's paperwork and freed me up to coach cheerleading.

The new features in the OrganizeMyLeague software will help our league take the next step in managing our football and cheerleading programs."

Cheer Commissioner
Lincoln Lions

"We were the first customer of the software and have used it successfully for several years. We combined the base software with the on-line registration module. On-line registration allows our players and cheerleaders to quickly and easily sign up on-line 24 hours a day and eliminates payment issues since the participant must pay their registration fees by credit card before completing the registration process.

The software is so easy to use that we provide limited access to our coaches to make updates prior to submitting our rosters to the national office.

We are extremely pleased with the software and encourage other sports leagues to use it as well."

Central Falls Panthers

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